
Protecting Pollinators Know your native pollinators “Know your native pollinators” is a series of articles that will help you identify and appreciate Florida’s varied pollinators, including bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, birds and bats. Create a pollinator pot The insects that pollinate our food crops and natural areas are in steep decline. Our suburban…

FDOT Wildflower Program Pollinators

Florida Department of Transportation Wildflower Program This page is hosted by the Florida Wildflower Foundation as a courtesy to the Florida Department of Transportation. Pathways for Pollinators The decline of honey bees and Monarch butterflies over recent years has brought the issue of pollinators to the forefront of roadside management. Pollinators’ importance to Florida agriculture…

Create a Pollinator Pot

Create a Pollinator Pot

The insects that pollinate our food crops and natural areas are in steep decline. Our suburban landscapes are more important than ever in supporting them. No place for a garden? No problem! Our new video and handout can help you create a small pollinator oasis in a pot! Versión en español disponible.

Micanopy Native Plant Garden

The Micanopy native plant garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs that provide vital habitat for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, as well as seeds, berries and insects for birds.

Longwood Native Plant Garden

The Longwood native plant garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs that provide vital habitat for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, as well as seeds, berries and insects for birds.

Fiery Skipper

Happy National Pollinator Week!

This week, we salute the little things — the pollinators that do our major lifting. Why care about pollinators? Because 80 percent of our food crops depend on them.

Dubsdread Native Plant Garden

Dubsdread Native Plant Garden

The Dubsdread Golf Course native plant garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs that provide vital habitat for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, as well as seeds, berries and insects for birds.

Native Plants for Florida Gardens cover

New book spotlights 100 Florida native plants for landscapes

Though Florida’s native plants have evolved here over thousands of years, they are often little-known to the state’s gardening enthusiasts. Native Plants for Florida Gardens (Pineapple Press, $21.95), a new book from the Florida Wildflower Foundation, seeks to change that.

Palamedes swallowtail on Dense gayfeather, Liatris spicata

Bloom Report: Spotlight on Butterflies

Pollinators and the native plants that support them have come to the forefront this year. The showiest of the pollinators are the butterflies, which often are seen flitting around native wildflowers.

wildflowers planted in pots

WEBINAR — Create a Pollinator Pot

Kirsten Sharp, co-owner of My Dragonfly Garden, shows you how to create an oasis for pollinators by planting pots with Florida’s native wildflowers.

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Micanopy celebrated its 200th anniversary with a new Pollinator Victory Garden, supported by a Viva Florida grant. The garden will provide food, shelter and habitat for pollinators and be a centerpiece for this historic town.