Yaupon holly
Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) blooms attract bees, and its abundant fall fruit provides food for birds and small mammals. A tea can be made from its leaves.
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Yellow anise
Yellow anisetree (Illicium parviflorum) is an evergreen shrub to small tree found in mesic hammocks, bluffs, ravines and seepage swamps. It is endemic to only seven Central Florida counties.
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Yellow butterwort, Pinguicula lutea
Yellow butterwort
Yellow butterwort (Pinguicula lutea) is a state-listed threatened carnivorous plant found in wet pine flatwoods, wet prairies and seepage slopes. Its solitary blooms appear late winter into spring.
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Colicroot flower spike
Yellow colicroot
Yellow colicroot (Aletris lutea) has long slender terminal spikes of yellow flowers that bloom in late winter/early spring through summer. They are visited by bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
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Yellow milkwort flower
Yellow milkwort
Yellow milkroot ( Polygala rugelii) is an herbaceous wildflower endemic to the Florida peninsula. Its showy flowers bloom primarily in summer and fall, but may appear throughout the year.
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Yellow necklacepod, Sophora tomentosa
Yellow necklacepod
Yellow necklacepod ( Sophora tomentosa var. truncata) is a long-lived flowering shrub that occurs naturally in coastal strands, hammocks and dunes throughout Central and South Florida.
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Yellow passionflower in bloom.
Yellow passionflower
Occurring naturally in woodlands, thickets and maritime forests, Yellow passionflower (Passiflora lutea) is a beautiful, if unassuming, native vine. It blooms in summer, setting fruit in fall and is wonderful for an array of wildlife.
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