Winter in the Wildflower Garden
by Claudia Larsen
Winter is a wonderful time to evaluate your garden. It’s a time to ask yourself: “How has my garden changed through the seasons and what can I do to prepare it for spring?” Some other questions to ponder while your garden senesces include:
- How do I envision my garden in all seasons?
- Is garden maintenance suited to my time and strengths?
- Do I want to make my garden larger or smaller?
- Do I need more plant diversity?
- Do I want to add more pollinator host and nectar plants?

If your garden is too large:
- Widen pathways or mulch an area for a garden bench.
- Convert garden areas by using larger size plants that require less maintenance — there are many native herbaceous or evergreen shrubs to fit a variety of sites.
If your garden is too small:
- Add a trellis or an arbor for vines — great vines are passionvine, coral honeysuckle, Carolina jessamine, trumpet vine.
- Use large containers and plant a mixture of grasses and flowers.
- Use large hanging baskets to display short or trailing plants.
- Add a raised bed: Garden supply stores and Internet retailers carry plastic or metal corner posts that conveniently convert 6- or 8-inch boards into a planting bed.
Winter garden jobs:
- Mulch borders and pathways.
- If you sowed wildflower seeds in the fall, be sure and water every seven to 10 days during periods without rain.
- Check for and control invasive plants. For a primer on Florida invasives, visit
- Observe birds that may forage in your garden on dry seed heads or seeds that have fallen. What flower seeds do they prefer?
- Check vines and shrubs for birds’ nests, and watch the eggs to check their hatching process.
- Fix irrigation leaks, and consider changing any overhead irrigation to micro irrigation lines or spray stakes.
- Buy a calendar and dedicate it to documenting wildflowers in bloom.

Photo by M A Clarke (CC BY 2.0)
Thinking about adding plants to the mix? We have many resources to help you select the right plant for your landscape, including 20 Easy-to-Grow Wildflowers, Attracting Butterflies, Attracting Birds, Attracting Bees and Other Beneficial Insects, our comprehensive plant selection guide, and more.
Visit for a list of what’s available from a native nursery near you.
Claudia Larsen is the owner of Micanopy Wildflowers, a native nursery specializing in Florida native wildflowers.