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Flowering dogwood
When in bloom, Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is arguably one of Florida’s most beautiful flowering trees. Though dormant in winter, the tree comes alive in early spring.

All the leaves may be brown, but here’s why that’s beautiful!
In winter, many wildflowers go dormant or die back, dropping leaves and leaving brown stems adorned with flowerheads gone to seed. The urge to tidy up may be strong, but we urge you to take a cue from nature and rest!

Meet board member Geena Hill
Geena Hill joined the Florida Wildflower Foundation board in September 2024, bringing with her over a decade of experience as a conservation biologist in Florida.

Wild pennyroyal
Wild pennyroyal (Piloblephis rigida) typically flowers in late winter through spring, but can bloom year-round, and occurs naturally in scrub, scrubby and pine flatwoods, sandhills, dry prairies and ruderal areas.

Cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco) produces flowers and fruits throughout the year. Its dense foliage and substantial fruit provide cover and food for many birds and small wildlife and its flowers attract pollinators.

Skyblue clustervine
Skyblue clustervine (Jacquemontia pentanthos) is an evergreen, twining vine with bright blue flowers that attract a variety of pollinators. It is endangered in Florida.

Eastern silver aster
Eastern silver aster (Symphyotrichum concolor) is a winsome wildflower found in Florida’s pineland habitats. It typically blooms in fall but may bloom in summer and early winter.

Carolina grass-of-Parnassus
Carolina grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia caroliniana ) is a rare and striking wildflower. Listed as state-endangered, it is found only in Florida’s Franklin and Liberty counties and a small portion of the Carolinas.

Drumheads (Senega cruciata) is a low-growing wildflower with small but showy pink flowerheads that bloom from late spring through fall.

Climbing aster
Climbing aster (Ampelaster carolinianus) is a robust vine-like shrub that produces many fragrant daisy-like lavender to pinkish blooms. It is an excellent nectar source for many butterflies and bees.

Florida sunflower
The Florida sunflower (Helianthus floridanus ) occurs naturally in wet to moist habitats from pine savannas to roadsides. Its fall blooms are a delight to many pollinators and the seeds feed songbirds.

Longspur balm
Longspur balm (Dicerandra cornutissima ), also commonly known as Longspurred mint, is an endangered wildflower endemic to the sandhills and white sand scrub of Marion and Sumter counties.

Garberia (Garberia heterophylla) is endemic to Florida’s north and central peninsula and is a state-listed threatened species. It is an excellent nectar source for many butterflies and bees.

Webinar – Botany in Context Part 2: 10 BIG IDEAS Regarding Plants
Jim Folsom, PhD, continues his Botany in Context series with 10 BIG IDEAS Regarding Plants.

Webinar – Botany in Context Part 1: Basic Wildflower Botany
This is part 1 of our Botany in Context series presented by Jim Folsom, PhD – Basic Wildflower Botany.

Bloom Report: Spanish Needles – Nature’s Pollinator Magnet (and Laundry’s Worst Nightmare!)
Florida is home to seven native species of Bidens, all of which are commonly known as Spanish needles or Beggarsticks. While pollinators love them, they often inspire mixed feelings!

Largeflower false rosemary
Largeflower false rosemary (Conradina grandiflora) is an endemic and state-threatened wildflower that occurs naturally in scrub habitats along the east coast of Central and South Florida.