Suzanne Spencer recognized for work in Santa Rosa County
The Florida Wildflower Foundation recognized Master Gardener Suzanne Spencer for her work in Santa Rosa County, presenting her with a certificate of appreciation at the Florida Wildflower Symposium.
Suzanne began volunteering to save the county’s roadside wildflowers in 2017.
Her efforts have resulted in reduced mowing along 70 miles of state and county roads, which has saved $70,000 in state and county tax dollars while creating beauty and pollinator habitat that supports the success of Panhandle agriculture.
When she undertook the task of identifying roadsides for reduced mowing, Suzanne immediately began working with county staff to nominate roadways. She then recruited and led teams of fellow Master Gardeners to monitor mowing along the roads.
Suzanne regularly updates Santa Rosa County Master Gardeners on roadside conservation, and she writes reports for the Florida Wildflower Foundation’s Panhandle Wildflower Alliance newsletter while inspiring others to get involved in roadside monitoring. She also presents programs on roadside conservation efforts to community groups. And she requested and received funding from the Master Gardeners to fund two educational displays on the roadside program. They are displayed at county offices to build public awareness.
Thanks to Suzanne, native wildflowers in Santa Rosa County are better off today!